In the 1890's Bloomington had its own specialist in the problems of "Manliness."
His notice read: "MAN : Take notice -- Don't allow that mental depression to carry you down to a premature grave . . . Brood no longer over weakened or lost powers." . . . "BE A MAN -- One month's treatment will convince the most skeptical that Dr. Hubbard has made the most wonderful discovery of the age for the treatment of Lost Manhood."
From 1890 until his death in 1899, Dr. Hubbard had offices on the fourth floor of the Eddy Building where he dispensed treatment in all chronic and nervous diseases. His advertisements let it be known that he "provided all medicines." Apparently Dr. Hubbard manufactured his own medicines and dispensed them. And you have to love the manly mustaches!
His line of work must have been very profitable because he built a marvelously ornate home at 1416 N. Main where he lived with his wife and son. Mrs. Hubbard remained in the home until 1930. In the 1930s the house was the Sigma Alpha Iota sorority house for Wesleyan students. This address is now a parking lot for the Emerson Street Kroger and before that was a gas station in the 1950s.