The Chatauqua was going strong on July 23, 1915. The cartoons printed in the paper were drawn by K. Harley, a young man who was visiting his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Gardner. Very popular at the camp that week were the Tyrolean Alpine Yodelers. Kitchen demonstrations were also well attended. Each day, so that no one would miss an entertainment ordiscussion they wanted to attend, the Pantagraph published that day's schedule. Attendance was maintained even thought the circus was also in town at the time of the Chatauqua.
As can be seen in the schedule, religious concerns played a large part in the Chatauqua events. The organization had been started by members of the Methodist Church in 1874 and the religious focus was retained over the years.

However, agriculture and domestic education also was offered by professionals who travelled the Chatauqua circuit. During the talk by Mrs. Kedzie Jones, she warned of the dangers of ptomaine poisoning and explained its origins. Roy Bishop was the farm advisor to Livingston County and consulted with local farmers about enriching soil with scientific methods. He discussed the importance of allowing plant material to stay in the ground to produce nitrogen.