Charlotte Goodman, DeWitt & Macon County
Charlotte Goodman was taken in to be the companion of Miss I C Hutchin, a invalid lady living in the home of her married sister in Kenney, DeWitt County in 1892. Most likely Miss Hutchin's sister had little time to look after an invalid as well as her home and children and welcomed the arrival of a young girl to assist in her care. In 1892, the visiting agent noted that the town of Kenney had school all the school year. Charlotte was criticized for not being interested enough in her schooling. "She is bright and would be a capable and desirable girl were it not for her violent temper and untruthfulness. Miss Hutchins has made great efforts to cure these defects of character and will persevere in such efforts, although she has felt almost discouraged at times." Charlotte, because of her untruthfulness, could not be allowed to associate with the other good children of the town. The gentleman of the house, Dr. Craig, felt that he had seen much improvement in Charlotte. Apparently Charlotte's temper did improve, because two years later Charlotte wrote her own letter from Dr. Craig's home.
Perhaps it was because of her place in a doctor's home that Charlotte met and married her husband, Milton Glazebrook, a pharmacist in DeWitt County. In 1898 she married and left Miss Hutchins. Milton Glazebrook was a graduate of Northwestern University according to his obituary and later owned his own pharmacy in Decatur. The 1940 census indicated that he had only attended one year of high school and that his wife had done the same. Since this information was incorrect in Milton's case, I wonder whether it is incorrect in Charlotte's case as well. They had one daughter, Vera. Charlotte died in 1969, eight years after her husband died. Charlotte's parents were John and Celeste Goodman (Charlotte's obituary). Her daughter was Vera Glazebrook Kenney, born 1899. When Charlotte died March 17, 1969 she had 13 great great grandchildren.
Charlotte's obituary made no mention of her sister, Maggie.