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Sophronia Crane, Sangamon County

Sophronia Crane was sent to Sherman, Illinois in 1886. She married in 1897 to Thomas H. Ballarby, a minister, in Sangamon County. They had four children: Eva, Austin, Dorothy and Joyce. As seen in her January 29, 1958 obituary, her son did not survive her.

In contrast to the Children's Aid Society, the New York Juvenile Asylum always attempted to stay in touch with their charges. Each child was sent the Annual Report each year, as well as a copy of either Youth's Companion or another improving magazine or book. The children often wrote to express their thankfulness for the report, magazines and books. In the 19th century, on the farms of Illinois, reading material would not have been plentiful, and the children appeared to be excessively grateful for this reading material. The annual report or course held the enticement of letters from old friends, or the publication of their own letter. Several children who wrote expressed their hope that their letter would be published.

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