The Warriners
Judith Major Bradner tells the only story of Richard O Warriner (1815 – 1871) that is known. The Major family was moving from Kentucky to Illinois and had stopped at a hotel in Greenville, IL on their way to Bloomington. Judith and her sister Laura amused themselves by registering at the desk and there happened to be a young professional man in the lobby. They learned later than he asked the clerk the name of the taller of the two sisters. Not long after, Richard Warriner wrote to Mr. Major and asked permission to correspond with Laura Major. Their father only gave his consent because he had seen Warriner’s name in a church publication. The next year, Warriner appeared in the city and announced the engagement that he and Laura had formed by correspondence. Interestingly enough, this engagement necessitated the breaking of an earlier engagement Laura Majors had entered into with a young man of Bloomington.
Like many of the early settlers, Dr. Warriner filled a county office for a time. He was the County Treasurer for a time. The early Pantagraph contained advertisements for his dry goods store opposite the Bloomington Hotel. His obituary mentions his foray into the book and stationary business as well. The appellation “Dr.” does not refer to a medical career, but to a career in preaching. Dr. Warriner did occasionally preach in Bloomington.
To read a biography of the father of Laura Major Warriner, follow the link below to the McLean County Museum of History website.