A Thimble Party

The Pantagraph seemingly announced every event that occurred within a 75 mile radius of Bloomington. One event that was reported repeatedly was the occurence of a "thimble party." Nowadays we may be puzzled by the thought of a thimble party, but all the ladies knew exactly what was meant.
In yesteryear women felt compelled to be constantly working, and felt guilty if their hands were not always busy with meaningful work. Their husbands might come home, put up their feet and read the paper or snooze, but a woman was expected to continue working through the day, sewing, cooking, cleaning and minding the children. A thimble party was a chance to meet with other ladies and chat, but you were allowed, nay expected, to bring along your mending bag and thimble so that you might work while you socialized.
There were no working golf outings, or working shooting matches for the men.